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Matcha & Fruit Lucky Bags

The fruit in the lucky bag you will not know what it is before you eat it! You will enjoy the surprise!😉😉


0.4oz Matcha powder

3.5oz Low gluten flour

2.4oz Cornstarch

3.5oz Light cream

1.5oz Sugar

17oz Milk


Diced mango

Oreo cookie crumbs

Mint leaves

Step by Step Cooking Instructions:

Mix low gluten flour, cornstarch, 1.2oz sugar, one egg, and milk.

Preheat a frypan. Add the batter to make crepe over low heat.

Add 0.3oz sugar to whipped cream and whip with an electric beater until dry peaks form.

Spread cream, diced fruit, and Oreo crumbles on the crepe.




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